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フィリピン暡擬囜連 優秀賞ゲット




“3幎前に䜕も知らぬフィリピンの地ぞ移っおきた。 䌝わらぬ英語ず、䜿い物にならない芋栄にしがみ぀いお生き抜いおきた。 バカにされるこずなんお䜕癟回もあった。 陰で笑われるこずなんお䜕千回もあった。 だけど笑っおやり抜いおきたよ 初めお報われたかな、やっず ‘’





Each one of us has personal struggles, no matter how big or small. In my case, it was public speaking, or rather the difficulty brought about by my language barrier.

For the first time I have joined #modelunitednations, and for the first time, I have spoken in front of 200 people. The fear of making mistakes and fear of being ridiculed terrified me endlessly even when I try to ignore it and shut my eyes to from my insecurities. The achievement of ‘the best delegate’ I received has proven past two years of all my efforts to learn a new language(apparently I was in ESL back then...), though not only that but also I think I was able to embrace my FEAR present and accept myself as who I am🗣

Thank you all for supporting me!! ILY

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